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Domains and policies

        Domains are properties of transformers that affect conversion. Domain policies define the required minimum and sufficient level of domain organization for a stream or single transformer.

        For example, securing (domain) team's work can be expressed in a policy that includes quarterly meetings and logging of security incidents.

        List of domains:

  • Architecture is a property that characterizes the logical structure and interaction of the parts of the transformer to create value. The policy aims to optimize the architecture while maximizing value.
  • Availability and Reliability (Continuity) - a property that characterizes the stability of the transformer. The policy is aimed at reducing the loss of value at the time of failure or degradation of the transformer, as well as reducing the number of such cases.
  • Security is a property that characterizes the safety of value creation, both in terms of value elements and transformer components, processes and resources. The policy aims to prevent safety-related losses in converters.
  • Performance (scalability) is a property that characterizes the level of value that a converter is capable of delivering. The policy is aimed at ensuring the necessary volumes of production of value in the stream.
  • Knowledge is a property that characterizes the approach to using the information in the transformer. The policy aims to preserve and share the necessary knowledge for the production of value.
  • Compliance is a property that indicates the level transformer complies with the regulations. The policy is aimed at identifying regulations and bringing the transformer into compliance with regulations.
  • Improvement is a characteristic that reflects the ability to change the frequency and quality of improvement in the work of the transformer. The policy is aimed at continuously increasing conversion and value delivered by changing the transformer in an optimal way.

        Domain policies description includes the necessary principles, artifacts and their architecture, entire elements or processes, standards, assignment of responsible persons, etc.

        Example Domain Policy "Architecture" for the Transformer "Product":

        Assign a product architect responsible for policy compliance. Description of the layers-based architecture (infrastructure, services, information flows, the structure of database tables). Regular meetings to review architecture documentation at least quarterly. Service-oriented architecture.

        Example Domain Policy "Availability and Reliability" for Transformer "Team":

        All teammates must be equipped with properly functioning equipment and a stable connection to the Internet. For emergencies, fallback options should be worked out.
        All absences of team members during working hours must be agreed upon. Cases of uncoordinated absence or inability to contact a team member (remote work), equipment problems and non-execution of the process are discussed at the meeting on the Availability and Reliability of the team.